The Virden Oil Capitals are extremely excited to announce that the hockey club has become, for the first time since its inception in 2012, a strictly ‘not for profit’ organization. This restructuring completes phase 2 in the evolution of the Oil Capitals and phase 3 will provide the opportunity for businesses and fans to purchase shares and become official shareholders of the hockey club.
“This is a very exciting time for our organization.”, said GM and Head Coach Tyson Ramsey. “This has been a goal of the organization from the beginning and to see it come to fruition today is very gratifying. We are so excited to be able to take the next step in having the Virden Oil Capitals become a true community owned team. It is the passion of our fans, business partners and local community members that has been a major factor in the success of the Oil Caps to date and to be able to provide an opportunity for them to become shareholders of the hockey club is very exciting.”
The following letter from the Chairman of the Board of the Virden Oil Capitals, Craig Davison, provides some more detail on the restructuring and thoughts from the Board of Directors.