

2024 Virden Oil Capitals Hockey School and 3 on 3 Games


We have moved our annual Hockey School to the weekend of September 6-8, 2024.

With Tundra Oil & Gas Place hosting the annual Virden Indoor Rodeo and the ice coming out of the arena, we were finding it difficult to find a weekend in August to run our hockey school.  In 2023 we tried a weekend in late July and we found that our attendance was down as people were obviously still taking advantage of summer activities and not yet thinking about hockey.

We surveyed a sample of hockey school attendees from years past and we found the majority would appreciate having something closer to the hockey season.  So, we have moved the school into September and will include a 3 on 3 portion throughout the weekend as well as an Oil Cap exhibition game if the schedule allows.

Please keep track of our social media channels (X, Instagram, Facebook) in late spring/early summer for information about cost and registration.