The Virden Oil Capitals Hockey Club is proud to announce that we are joining forces with the Virden Junior High in creating our Oil & Energy Appreciation night Jersey, this coming January 18th vs the Portage Terriers. The jerseys will be auctioned off post game, with proceeds going to the Virden Oil Capitals Foundation.
The Virden Junior High Students designed jerseys and the top 3 were picked from each classroom. The organization then picked the top 5 designs and are now having the public be involved in picking their favorite design. Social media polls, and an in-arena poll during this Thursday’s game vs the Winnipeg Blues, will run through Friday evening, the 9th, in picking their favorite jersey. The top design, will then be drawn up on a jersey with the help of local product, Brooks Freeman.
Director of Business and Hockey Operations, Jamie Hodson, discussed the initiative, “This is a great initiative to have some of our local students involved with our organization. The Junior High has been very cooperative in this process. Many of the jersey designs really have shown there is a lot of passion for our hockey club at the ground roots in our community and surrounding area. We are thrilled with the results we have got, and was difficult to get this down to 5 designs as we feel there are many who can be in the final 5. This gives the community and our fans a chance now to be part of the Oil and Energy jersey selection.”
The top 5 chosen will receive game tickets and social media recognition after the social media polls are completed. The winner will receive their very own Oil and Energy Appreciation Jersey on January 18th, plus dropping the puck for ceremonial faceoff for the game.
A big thank you to the Virden Junior High students and staff who have taken the time to be part of this team initiative.